Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign® clear aligners are virtually invisible and a convenient and comfortable treatment for misaligned teeth. However, patients frequently ask, "How many hours a day do I have to wear my Invisalign® aligners?"
While traditional braces effectively straighten teeth, they don't offer the same benefits as clear aligners, such as being less noticeable and removable.
Invisalign® treatment starts with a consultation with your dentist. After evaluating your smile, they will map out a customized digital treatment plan that shows how the treatment will transform your smile.
Each set of Invisalign® trays is worn for one to two weeks, gently and gradually aligning your teeth through micro-movements. The small movements take place over several months, minimizing discomfort, with each new set of aligners further aligning your teeth.
Invisalign® aligner trays are only effective when in contact with your teeth, and it's recommended that you wear your trays for at least 22 hours per day. Your treatment plan is dependent on you following this rule.
Failing to follow the 22-hour compliance rule can cause complications that may be challenging.
Delayed results. One major drawback of not adhering to the 22-hour rule is delayed treatment results. If you fail to wear your trays the necessary amount of time, your teeth may not move sufficiently, and you may need to wear your current trays longer.
Discomfort. The first few days after you start a new tray are critical, and you will feel pressure on specific teeth. While this pressure may cause discomfort, your teeth may revert to their original position if you don't follow the 20 to 22-hour compliance rule. If you remove your trays for longer periods, you will likely feel discomfort again when you put your tray back on after a long break.
There are tools to help you stay in compliance with the 22-hour rule such as phone apps. Those apps (ie. The "My Invisalign app" and "TrayMinder") will remind you that you should put back the tray before it's too long and your teeth start to revert back to their old position which causes more discomfort as the aligner is working to move the teeth back to where they were.
At WestLake Dental Care, we understand how important your smile is to you. Invisalign® clear aligners offer several benefits over traditional braces, and if you follow the 22-hour compliance rule, you can get the results you desire on time and with minimal discomfort. Dr. Tarek Badawy is a Gold Invisalign® provider for 2020 and 2021, a recognition of the high number of treatments he has provided to his patients. Contact us today to learn more about Invisalign® and how our team can help you get the smile you want.