Treat (Don't Trick) Your Teeth This Halloween

October 18, 2022

Cooler weather, shorter days, and leaves in every color - fall is here! With the holiday season approaching, you might find a few more special occasions on your calendar, giving you more opportunities to indulge in treats that aren't the best for your teeth. Halloween is rapidly approaching, and while you should make the most of the festivities, there are a few things you can do to avoid any dental surprises.

Which Treats Are the Better Choices?

Where your teeth are concerned, the less sugar you eat, the better off you'll be. Quitting sugar altogether isn't realistic for many people, so the best you can do is minimize your intake. On a day that's centered around candy, it may be tempting to eat everything in a brightly colored wrapper, but if you're trying to be more conscious of your dental health, here are some things to stay away from:

  • Sticky Treats. Are candied apples a seasonal favorite of yours? Be careful of the caramel. Sticky foods are especially hard to get off your teeth.
  • Hard Candy. Like any hard food, you should be careful that the impact against your teeth doesn't produce any chips or cracks.
  • Sour Candy. Sour foods tend to be acidic, contributing to tooth decay.
  • Popcorn. Popcorn is more of a problem between your teeth than on them. Be sure to floss well so that the kernels aren't stuck in your mouth producing bacteria.

This list seems like it includes everything that could end up in your bag, but it may surprise you to learn that the American Dental Association considers the ever-popular chocolate bar one of your better options on Halloween. The reason? It comes off your teeth more easily than other treats.

Taking Care After Eating Sweets

Once you've eaten your fill of king-sized candy bars, you can help your teeth recover by maintaining your regular dental hygiene routine. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily are important for keeping your mouth healthy, but even more so after you've eaten sugary or acidic foods. Regular home care should keep your teeth in good shape between preventive cleanings.

Don't Let Cavities Give You a Fright

At WestLake Dental Care, we want you to be more scared about what's lurking around the next corner of the haunted house instead of what might be lurking in your mouth. If you need to get back on track with regular cleanings, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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